
A creative approach
that works

Design is teamwork. Constant interaction.
For every assignment we get stuck in, our marketers and designers sit around the table to outline the best strategy and the most creative approach for our clients.

Advertising agency Plug, which was founded 20 years ago in Roeselare, helps clients internationally with their marketing, branding, graphic design and social media.

Magazine Edition 14
Magazine edition 13
magazine edition 12
magazine edition 11
magazine edition 10



A good, recognizable logo and a baseline give your brand a face. Plug provides a strong and timeless design and extends it to your entire corporate identity. Together with a clear brochure and website this determines your image. Stylish branding allows you to leave a professional impression on your customers and prospects. Nowadays the branding of your social media is an absolute must.


Magazines & mailings

Your own editorial magazine is the perfect medium to present your product, brand or activity effectively to your target group. We incorporate your vision, references and activities, interspersed with interesting content and lifestyle topics that are strongly interwoven with your DNA. Complement this with attractive images and a contemporary design and you get a strong and tangible advertising tool that leaves an impression. In your e-mail marketing we also work creatively with your communication strategy as a common thread.



The power and impact of photography in a visually oriented society cannot be underestimated. Professional images add value to your brochure, website and social media channels and highlight the assets of your business or brand.




You can only make a first impression once, so it's better to tackle it professionally straight away. With good packaging, you can grasp contemporary trends and immediately address your target audience in an appropriate way. Plug knows the tricks of the trade and has the expertise to develop the appropriate strategy for your brand.


social media &

The online story is a must for every company that wants to stay top of mind. Via social media and digital newsletters, you can respond quickly and communicate novelties. What's more, these handy tools generate more online traffic on your website, your digital business card that can be accessed 24/7 by your prospects.


Marketing & media campaigns

A creative advertisement in the right newspaper, magazine or website is a contemporary way to reach your target group and stand out from the competition. We examine for you which media channel will do the best justice to your project: advertising in magazines, job posters, social advertising, ... With a strong campaign, you will undoubtedly increase your brand awareness. Over the years Plug has grown from a graphic agency to a 360° marketing partner.



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